29 Aug Body and Sense
By inviting participants to explore the intricate relationship between the body and the senses, the project seeks to promote a greater awareness of how we experience the world around us....
By inviting participants to explore the intricate relationship between the body and the senses, the project seeks to promote a greater awareness of how we experience the world around us....
Up until now, the black body has been just as hindered as it has been admired. In that wide spectrum of emotions and ambivalence its sight arouses, “Afrogile” highlights a precise characteristic of that body, which is also struck by numerous limits....
I shot this captivating moment of an unknown man sitting on rocks and having a wonderful view of the sea. I realised that the man was quite and alone to himself so I wondered what was going on in his thoughts.The “coloured rocks”represents the state...
Depicting Fruits/Life showing its original essence from God without being altered by man, this body of work was born in search of simplicity. Every fruit used was somewhat intentional for a personal reason. Fruit served as a representation of the transient nature of our existence....
“We have to be fast about this as I have lots of money contributors to attend to this morning,” the thrift collector (or osusu) said. Trademarked with a bag strapped across their shoulder containing logbooks along with a pack of contribution cards. With no computer knowledge, not...
A childhood memory...
Dive deep into the multifaceted world of African music, where each track offers a delightful blend of pure enjoyment and enlightening discovery. Experience the profound depth and diversity of the African musician in every note....
Empowering the African woman with the technology that surrounds her. Women in technology are real agents of change and they can contribute massively to development by providing solutions and new perspectives to existing challenges....
Carol Muthiga-Oyekunle, portrays women as symbolic warriors, radiating strength and joy. Combining photography with digital and mixed-media collage, the artist interweaves vivid graphical elements to create bold portraits of her female subjects. The art depicts themes from the past, present and imagined futures, holding up...