July 2020

[rev_slider alias="afropunk-1" slidertitle="Afro+punk 1"][/rev_slider]My home, Africa. My home sweet home, The home that birthed the strong “African woman“, The one that is taught to “work hard”. Hard enough to take care of her home from the second she can breathe, patient enough to put everyone else before...

[rev_slider alias="slider-2" slidertitle="Slider 2"][/rev_slider]AFRO+PUNK is an autobiographical editorial project depicting a journey through the exploration of black identities in the alternative community and the struggles and complexities faced whilst in the middle. Inspired by Grace Wales Bonner, Adam Pendleton and Basquiat, this project provocatively addresses...

[rev_slider alias="discarded-1" slidertitle="REBEL (POISED) "][/rev_slider]In this playful and fun editorial, Brampton based photographer Janice Reid was inspired by rebellion, 90s fashion, and punk aesthetics. /*! elementor - v3.8.1 - 13-11-2022 */ .elementor-widget-image{text-align:center}.elementor-widget-image a{display:inline-block}.elementor-widget-image a img[src$=".svg"]{width:48px}.elementor-widget-image img{vertical-align:middle;display:inline-block} Creative CreditsPhotographer: Janice Reid / @janice.reidStylist: Queenetteolu / @queenetteoluStylist Assistant: Naomi’s Art /...