Ghana, 12th May - 30th September 2024

Ghana, 12th May - 1st July 2024

Embark on a visual journey through Accra’s vibrant spirit with “The First Home is Freedom, an OSENGWA Stay’s in-residence exhibition featuring the lens work of two Accra based artists, Reginald Boateng and Joseph Abbey Mensah.

On show at Bai’s House is the work of Reginald Boateng who captures moments with his iPhone and infuses his photographs with the vivid colors inspired by Ghana’s traditional “Kente” fabric, telling stories that reflect a diverse celebration of melanin rich narratives.


On the floor below at Bamboo House, Joseph Abbey Mensah’s lens is a portal to his community’s rich tradition and culture. Juxtaposing self portraiture with external subject exploration, each image is a profound manifestation of his boundless imagination, providing a glimpse into the essence of his creative vision.

“The First Home is Freedom” harmonizes the themes of fluidity of expression and being, water, the beach, youthfulness, and joy. Reginald’s vibrant colors interweave seamlessly with Joseph’s cultural explorations, creating a symphony of visual storytelling.

As you explore each floor of OSENGWA Stays, know that you are stepping into distinct worlds curated around
two visionary artists, with the exhibition extending beyond these physical spaces, and inviting you to engage online and experience the freedom of spirit that is the essence of Accra.

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